* | * | * \ $$$ / \$ $/ *----- $$$$ ----* / $\ / $$$ \ * | * | * ---9's Pick-up Lines--- There is no order. Completly random lines. The weird layout is so you don't lose your place. Some are so lame that their only use is to get a table at a crowded food court. If that's your goal, the should serve you well. All dude-to-chick. +...+ = chick's response *...* = action -...- = comments Use at your own discression. 1: My hardware for your software. 2: I got kicked out of my old school; for taking these guns! *Flex biceps* 3: -Still works on some. High gayness factor- Did it hurt? +Did what hurt?+ When you fell from heaven. 4: -Chick must have minor brainage- Wanna check out my harddrive? It's not 3 1/2in and it sure ain't floppy. 5: Hey, wanna make an easy 50 bucks? -Doesn't work on idiots. They'll ask how- 6: If I got a nickel for everytime I saw someone as beautiful as you, I'd have 5 cents. 7: Excuse me, but does my tounge taste funny to you? 8: I'm a necrophiliac. How good are you at playing dead? 9: What's the difference between having sex and talking? +I don't know+ Cool. Wanna go somewhere and talk? 10: -Very effective on goths- Was I at your funeral?